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Location:Tech Support

Generator start Note

DATE:2019/6/24 14:06:46 HITS:884

In the winter, the diesel engine starts more difficult, and some machines on hand to remove the air filter cover, intake manifold port at the lighting of a tarpaulin, to improve the air entering the cylinder temperature. Although this approach helps the engine start, but also generate some harm.
The main hazards are:

① with flame preheated air, the air entering the cylinder without a filter (dried centrifugal filtration) or simply no filtering (some machine hand in the cylinder cover at the inlet ignition), containing impurities air directly into the cylinder, exacerbated by the wear of the cylinder liners, pistons, piston rings and valves, valve seats and other parts. And the smoke of the fire burning into the cylinder prone to the formation of coke.

② If every time you start to remove the air filter,
Caused by the intake pipe closed lax, resulting in leakage, part of the air enters the cylinder without filtering, this engine is extremely unfavorable. 


③ open flames start is not conducive to safety, especially old locomotives, fuel leakage is serious, and can easily lead to a fire. Start at low temperatures, can be used to Cooling filling hot water preheat heating the diesel engine, with dark fire to dry sump approach.


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