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The Xiangjie generator group to exclude the air in the oil line

DATE:2019/6/24 14:20:14 HITS:882

Generator set professional advisory: the bleed screws loosen the high pressure fuel pump, hand pump oil exclusive air in net Low oil; then, and then the air drain the high pressure oil line. The specific method is: Loosen injector tubing connector, so that the throttle at maximum fuel position, rotate the crankshaft until each cylinder injector tubing joints up oil shortness.

Of course, the choice of diesel should guarantee the vehicle traveling minimum temperature flow performance, otherwise, will be due to the improper selection of diesel, affect the performance of its current difficulty in starting. In addition, the winter should also ensure the battery sufficient capacity and good performance, which also helps to improve the startup performance of the diesel engine.

Generator sets, engines start of winter, pay attention to a lot, usually insist crank crank it running easily and then start. The aforementioned methods should address the specific circumstances of individual selection, can also be a number at the same time to choose from, the owners of a friend may wish to try your hand at, must make the original start-up difficulties diesel engine is easy to start.


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